Why hasn’t my subscription started yet?
Please allow 4-6 weeks from the time you send your order to receipt of your first issue. Your start date appears on the emailed receipt sent at the time of your order. If you have not received an issue after at least 6 weeks, please use
Subscriber Services to locate your subscription and confirm your start date.
When is my expiration date?
The date your subscription expires can be found on your issue mailing label next to the letters EXP. If you have additional questions, you may log into
Subscriber Services at any time.
I missed an issue. What do I do?
For mailed subscriptions, we allow until the Saturday before the issue begins for on-time delivery. For newspaper-delivered subscriptions, we allow until the Sunday the issue begins. We are unable to send replacement copies but we will credit your subscription if these deadlines are not met. Log in to
Subscriber Services to report a missing issue.
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Why is my mailed issue late?
Our print and mail deadlines have not changed. Delivery delays have become more prevalent in several areas of the country due to internal changes in the way USPS handles mail. These changes affect all mail to the point that many members of Congress are investigating USPS’s changing procedures. We share your frustration and despite our best efforts, these delays are beyond our control at the moment. We are doing everything in our power to address these issues and are hopeful that with national attention matters will soon improve. In the meantime, please report any magazines that have not arrived by the Saturday prior to the issue date below so that we can credit your subscription.
How do I change my delivery or billing address?
You can update your address, as well as handle many other subscription-related questions, by logging in to
Subscriber Services.
How do I schedule a vacation stop?
You can place your TV Weekly subscription on hold by visiting
Subscriber Services.
I already paid but I got a bill/renewal notice in the mail. What gives?
If you have already paid or renewed and continue to receive notices from us, it is likely our correspondence has crossed in the mail. You can confirm your payment was received and check the status of your subscription anytime by logging into
Subscriber Services.